Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox has been involved in ministry for almost thirty years. He graduated from Tyndale College and University in 1995 with a Bachelors in Pastoral ministry and then again in 1998 with a Masters of Divinity. He is married, a father of seven children and loves calling the Comox Valley area home.
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Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox


Matthew Fox has been involved in ministry for almost thirty years. He graduated from Tyndale College and University in 1995 with a Bachelors in Pastoral ministry and then again in 1998 with a Masters of Divinity. He is a father and husband with seven children and loves calling the Comox Valley area home.

Matthew has served as a youth pastor, music director and senior pastor over the years and has a passion to see people come to faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus. He has always been involved in the church both at a professional level as well as a volunteer. He has taught many Bible courses over the years and has had the privilege of interacting with people from every age and season of life. He is also an accomplished musician with songs that have played on Christian radio across the country. In 2018 he was nominated for a Covenant award and loves to spend time jamming on the keyboard, guitar, drums, or a bass!

As Matthew reflects on his life he writes, “As I think about the many experiences I have had in life, it never ceases to amaze me how God’s hand has guided me throughout my story. I was fortunate to be exposed to Christian faith at a young age and blessed to be able to see God’s guidance direct the many decisions I have made in life.

In 2019, Matthew and his family moved overseas to Israel to volunteer with a Christian organization in the western Galilee. After serving there for almost two years, they moved back to Canada in 2021 and now live on a small hobby farm in the valley.

In his spare time, you will find Matthew either in his shop woodworking, out in the garden puttering around or inside building with lego! Matthew’s passion for life and ministry is a driving force behind everything that he does. His creativity and desire to help create a church ministry that strives to connect people to God is the reason why he serves the local church at Comox Community Baptist Church.

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