Wishful Thinking – May 21st

Wishful Thinking – May 14th

Wishful Thinking – May 14th Prayer Requests ; What if you were given one wish or three wishes…what would you ask for?   Join us for a new series looking at some of the character traits that we should be persuing in our Christian faith! Matthew Fox Wishful...
Jonah – May 7th

Jonah – May 7th

Jonah – May 7th Prayer Requests ; Today we wrap up our series looking at the final chapter of the book of Jonah.   Listen in as we reflect on God’s character and His call for us to immitate His nature to the world around us.  Matthew Fox Jonah - May 7th,...
Jonah – May 7th

Jonah – April 30th

Jonah – April 30th Prayer Requests ; Today we continue our series in Jonah looking at one of the greatest examples of Gods grace…an entire city of people is spared!    What an amazing example with principles of God’s grace still applicable to us...
Jonah – May 7th

Jonah – April 23rd

Jonah – April 23rd Prayer Requests ; Today we continue our series in Jonah looking at a powerful prayer that Jonah expresses and the principles that we can learn from this peice of scriptures thousands of years later.   Matthew Fox Jonah - April 23rd, 2023 by...
Jonah – May 7th

Jonah – April 16th

Jonah – April 16th Prayer Requests ; Today we begin a new series looking at the story of Jonah from the Old Testament and the principles that we can learn to apply to our lives today.   What happens when you try and run from God?  Listen in and find out how God...
Easter Sunday – April 9th

Easter Sunday – April 9th

Easter Sunday – April 9th Prayer Requests ; He is Risen!   Today we celebrate the Easter resurrection and look at the character of Jesus through His encounter with the disciples after His resurrection.  Matthew Fox Easter Sunday - April 9th, 2023 by Matthew Fox...
Ephesians – April 2nd

Ephesians – April 2nd

Ephesians – April 2nd Prayer Requests ; Today we finish up our series on Ephesians looking at the armour of God and how we can be equipped to deal with the spiritual battle that rages around our lives. Matthew Fox Epheisans - April 2nd, 2023 by Matthew Fox...
Ephesians – April 2nd

Ephesians – March 26th

Ephesians – March 26th Prayer Requests ; Today we continue our series in the book of Ephesians looking at what it means to live a wise life.  Join us as we examine principles that help us with an world the constantly battles against God’s wisdom that He...
Ephesians – April 2nd

Ephesians – March 19th

Ephesians – March 19th Prayer Requests ; Today we continue our series in the book of Ephesians looking what it looks like to b a new creation!  What are some of the characteristics of those whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ? Matthew Fox Epheisans...